Saturday, April 16, 2011

Are you TRYING to do something?

Something came up for me recently...and it was while I was in the shower, for of course, isn't this where all great thoughts and inspirations happen??

I was having a conversation with someone in my head, as you do, about what I was doing in my life. I found myself saying to this person that I was trying as hard as I could. I was 'trying' to do this and 'trying' to do that.

Something inside of me said quite firmly to myself - 'Stop Trying! - Just DO IT!'

This was no great mystical revelation to me. I've heard this before.

In the very words of the wise and aged Yoda (from Star Wars) "Do, or Do Not, there is no Try!"

No, this was no new piece of news for me. I like to think of it as a reminder. Like a wake-up call, or a prod with a cattle stick. Hey You - stop saying you're only 'trying' to do something and actually do it!

There is such a fine line between Trying and Doing - we can be doing the same actions for both...but it's more about the mindset. Do we have our head in the right space? Are we fully backing ourselves? The moment we say 'Try', even just in our heads...('oh yeah, we'll give it a try') we're not being very determined, not backing our ability to follow through and complete the thing.

When you examine the motive behind 'trying' it's all about giving it a go. Not fully believing that you can achieve it, but I'll 'try my best'.

But the moment you say you're going to DO something, then that put's you into a positive mindset - you're not just going to try to do it, but you are GOING TO DO IT! You back yourself - you say I CAN do it, and I will DO IT! It's like you have erased any doubts, there is certainty there. It's like the thing has already been accomplished.

Think about it like this - do you say "I'm going to try and have a shower". Umm, well no. You have no doubts in your ability to shower, and therefore you state 'I'm going to have a shower'. You are doing it, not just trying.

So why is it we so often say that we will 'try' to do something? Do we lack confidence? Do we doubt our ability? Well, stop it! You are Capable - likely much more than you realise. I believe in YOU, and I don't even know you. I believe every single one of us is capable of achieving whatever it is we set our minds to.

The first step is choosing our goal, and then getting our heads into the right mindset, and taking action. Follow this, and you'll no longer be 'trying' but you'll be DOING!

Make today a great day!

Susan Dorrington

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