Sunday, July 15, 2012

Are you a Wizard, Barbarian or Witch Doctor?

Strange question for a business blog right?

My husband has a passion for gaming and his genre is Role Playing Games (RPG's).  Every now and then I'll play too as he loves to watch me play, and to be quite honest, some of them can be so engaging and suck you right in....and before you know it hours can pass like minutes.  I try not to play too often as I have much that I wish to accomplish with my business rather than lose hours, days or even weeks trying to beat that last big boss!  lol

Recently we played Diablo 3, which had been promised by Blizzard Entertainment and fans have waited for over 10 years for it.  Hubby says it was well worth the wait.  The graphics are amazing - cut scenes like a movie, enough zombies (or undead as they prefer to be called), quests and loot drops to keep any serious gamer satisfied.

In most RPG's you must create a character and choose what class you will be.

First of all there are Mellee Fighters like Knights or Barbarians. They are strong, and rely on that strength to carry them through whatever tests may come.  They show no fear, and run into battle with their weapon and head held high, believing in their power to win, no matter what.  But often a mellee fighter's strength is their weakness.  Their self-belief is high, but sometimes they come across someone stronger than them and they must run away and regain their strength before carrying on.  A mellee fighter must have conviction in their cause to come back and try again and again until they succeed.

Then there are range or Distance Fighters such as Wizards, Mages or Hunters. These are the true thinkers of all the classes often with higher intelligence, they take their time to weigh up a situation before running in.  They can stand back and see the big picture, picking off small tasks (and enemies) before they take on the bigger ones.They work out where their hits will be most successful and focus on that. Wizards weakness is fighting big battles against strong enemies.  They have power from a distance, but up close they can appear quite weak and can be brought almost to death time and again.  Wizards can bounce back quite quickly with healing spells, but if not paid attention can be too late and you must start all over again.

Finally there are Summoners such as Necromancers or Witch Doctors.  These characters are known for using others (creatures or such) to fight their battles for them. They are not powerful as a single entity, but when they have their hoarde of creatures around them they can achieve great things.

And so, that brings me to the above question - what class is YOUR business character?

Are you the Barbarian, or knight?  The mellee fighter who gets in the middle of the action, has strong self-belief and can bash your way through any tests and trials that come your way? You are invincible - nothing can stop you!

Are you the Wizard or Hunter?  The intelligent being who stands back and assesses the situation before choosing where to act most effectively.  Not so strong in person, but extremely powerful, great at strategic thinking and often underestimated.

Or are you the Witch Doctor?  A summoner who enlists others and relies on their strength to achieve their goals.  They are powerful leaders and use their influence over those under them.

Personally, I can relate mostly with the wizard in my style, and that is often the character class I choose whenever I play games with my hubby.  But I would like to think that I have some characteristics of all three in my business "Character" or personality.  It is an interesting subject to think about.   You may think, it's just a game, why get all serious about it?  Well, it IS just a game, but there is so much to learn in life....even from the small...and fun things!  If an idea came into my mind about something like this, then why not explore it?  I would love to hear any thoughts or ideas you have on this topic!  Please share any comments you have with us below.

Susan Dorrington
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"You don't have to be great to get just have to start to be great" - Les Brown

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