Monday, April 4, 2011

Change your Mind - Change your Life

I just read a very interesting article that was discussing empowering statements, declarations, affirmations, commitments and having a self-conversation.

It made a statement that I thought was very thought provoking and I thought I would share it:

"Affirmations are underrated, misused, and used in a limited manner. When they are used they are often structured ineffectively with the wrong message or a light weight one, with minimal benefit."

I think that Affirmations are not only underrated, but I think they are very misunderstood. It always surprises me when I hear people make comments about affirmations being 'new age' or 'mumbo jumbo' or things that you are made to do for Alcoholics Anonymous, etc. When you mention 'Affirmations' many people instantly shut off and say it's not for them. And yet, these same people are the ones that I hear day in and day out saying affirmations of a sort to themselves.

Not all affirmations are good affirmations. Sometimes we affirm things to ourselves that have been put into our head by other people, or even ourselves. Belief that are not real, but perceived. How often have you heard these:

"I'm late again....I'm Always Late"
"I'm such an idiot!"
"I'll never have money"
"I'm never going to find my perfect partner"
"I don't think I'm ever going to be able to travel overseas"
"I'm no good with money"
"I'm a horrible speller!"
"I can't cook!"

Weather these things are said out loud, or run around and around in our heads, they ARE affirmations - just not good ones! And do you know what? By repeating these negative affirmations again and again, we will likely always be late, a horrible speller, never have money, not be able to cook, etc.

Why do we continue to let these negative affirmations influence our life? Well, because we have always done it, and likely learned it from our family or friends.

But, with a little practice, it's not that difficult to learn new affirmations. When you are conscious of these kinds of negative thoughts you can stop them, even mid-thought and replace it with a positive affirmation.

So, you're on your way to work and you're running late and you start thinking..."I'm always late!"...stop yourself and repeat 20 times a new affirmation (pick something that resonates with you), such as "I am prompt and arrive early". I know what you are about to say - "How can I say that when I'm not?" Well, start thinking it and it will start showing up in your life. You CAN change your life - and our thoughts are the first step to doing it.

Here is a list of Positive Affirmations that you might like to use:

I pursue my life’s purpose
I feel worthy
I feel fulfilled & joyful
I deserve to be happy
I only have positive mental pictures
Joy is abundant in my life
I am becoming better everyday
I embrace positive self-esteem
I have faith and deep belief in myself
I have an enthusiastic outlook on life
My future looks great
I am strong and secure
I have the power to realize my goals
I take charge of my life
I am valuable
I stand firmly in my belief in myself
People respect me
People like me
I am a true friend
I care for people
I am confident of my capabilities, expertise, and know-how
I am interested in others
I am confident
I am a strong person
I am a success
I choose to be happy
I am courageous
I deserve to succeed
I am calm
I maintain my self-confidence in all times and places
I forgive myself
I have inner peace
I heal all issues affecting my self-confidence
I am intelligent
I forgive myself for any and all past mistakes
I am secure in myself
I am confident in myself
I discover new aspects of my self-confidence daily
I take action
I balance my self-confidence with modesty perfectly
I recognize and honor my talents, abilities, and skills
I see each part of my life as a lesson
I feel confident from the inside out

I am loveable
I am worthy of love and friendship
I accept myself completely
I have a solid sense of self-identity
I see myself realistically and objectively
I find deep inner peace within myself as I am
I say positive things about myself to myself
I am a kind, caring and decent person
I love and accept all parts of myself
I am an interesting person
I love and accept all of my thoughts and feelings
I am interested in other people
I share my feelings with others and they accept me
I have positive self esteem
My self esteem comes from inside me
I love and approve of myself
I accept myself completely as I am
I value and honor myself as I am
I strive to improve myself
I am loving and accepting of myself just as I am
I am filled with energy, vitality, and self-esteem
I feel total
I am pleased with how I handle my emotions
I know how to manage my schedule
I know how to promote my emotional and physical well-being.
I take care of my body's needs
I love and respect my body.
I fill my mind with positive and nourishing thoughts.
I am a wonderful person.
I deserve health, energy, and calmness
I have confidence in my body's ability to heal
I feel radiant full of abundant energy and health
The world is full of beauty and abundance
I am attracted only to those people and situations that support and nurture me
I appreciate the positive people
I love and honor myself
I enjoy being positive and having positive feelings


I achieve my weight loss goals
Losing weight comes naturally to me
I choose nourishing, healthy foods
I think before eating
I drink lots of water
Losing weight is fun
Healthy foods taste better
I am motivated by both successes and failures
I accept and love my body as it is, and work to make it better
I love challenges and embrace them
I lose weight systematically and I keep it off permanently
I am losing weight
I exercise because it makes me feel good
I respect my body and treat it with respect
I do everything I need to do to achieve my healthy weight
I am encouraged by every success
I forgive myself
I learn from my mistakes
I fill all physical appetites in physically healthy ways
I am aware of my eating habits and how they affect my weight
I am willing to change my eating habits and I do so easily
I build lean muscle and I lose fat
I enjoy the process of reaching a healthy weight
I see myself at my healthy weight and I achieve it
I have non-stop daily determination to reach my healthy weight
I like long walks
It is easy for me to stay on my plan to obtain my healthy weight
I picture myself at my perfect weight
I have a positive attitude about what I eat, how I eat, and when I eat
My body burns fat like a furnace
Developing healthy eating habits becomes easier each day
I stay on a healthy eating plan and maintain my healthy weight easily
Each day, I automatically and successfully get healthier and healthier


I succeed with ease
All my attitudes are positive now
My confidence reigns in any business setting
I rejoice for the success and abundance of others
I attract, welcome and accept talented and successful people to my team
I have abundant faith in my ability to succeed
I accept responsibility for my mistakes as well as my successes
I acknowledge financial mistakes, learn from them, choose the correct path, and move on
I courageously sell my ideas
I enjoy my affluence and share it appropriately
I am passionate about doing what I need to in order to increase my fortune
I deserve to have and enjoy prosperity and affluence in my life
My wealth is increasing more and more now

for KIDS
I feel good about myself and my classmates.
I like attending school.
I like my teacher.
I have lots of friends.
I am happy.
I now make friends easily.
I love being cheerful and I love smiling.
People like me because of my upbeat, happy personality.
I feel good about myself.
I love and respect myself.
I know I am important.
I am somebody and I count.
I do well in school.
I remember what I learn and when I forget I close my eyes and I say to myself, "Clear, search and retrieve," and the information I need comes quickly to me.
I do well in all my assignments and school work and I love learning.

--These are just a few suggestions. Try creating your own positive affirmations, or google "List of Positive Affirmations" and you will find an abundance of suggestions. But remember to keep it positive. Affirming something like "I will not be late" is a negative and all your mind will hear is the word "late", so keep to the positive and make the statement as "I am always early to meetings" or "I am prompt and on time".

Remember This:

Create your affirmations carefully as your mind will be open to conditions that will give opportunity for your affirmations to become real.

Make them clear and precise and make sure they reflect what you really want.

Recite your affirmations repeatedly but keep in mind that affirmations can take time for your subconscious to accept, so your list of positive affirmations needs to be revisited on a regular basis.

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