Saturday, February 9, 2013

Do you care what other people think?

I came across this picture today and it really resonated with me.  This used to be me - so worried what others thought of me that I was making myself miserable.  

What got me thinking though was how I came to that kind of limiting belief in the first place?  

It is normal to want people to like us, but if you continue on that path it can become such a limitation in our life.  Does it come from our parents or siblings? Or from bullies at school?  How about work colleagues or bosses making you feel it is impossible to measure up?  

I was brought up in a Christian home and instilled with good values like "do unto others as you would have them do to you", and "love your neighbour as yourself"....but somehow I became unbalanced in my view of thinking other people's viewpoint of me were more important than what I thought of myself.  

Wherever this belief came from it was very damaging and limited the experiences and relationships I was having in life.

Over the years and through much personal development, I have become more balanced, realising that it is not selfish to have a measure of self-confidence and belief in yourself.  

It is a good healthy thing, and in fact if you do not have this you are almost a liability to society and those around you, instead of being a positive asset who sets an example and empowers others to do the same.

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